• Register for all three days

  • Register for one or more single days

  • Register for Saturday evening

Music Camps North Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in Massachusetts. Would you like to make a tax-deductible donation to help us further our mission? You'll receive an acknowledgment letter by email.

Suggested Amounts

  • Little or no experience, need help tuning, still learning basic techniques.

  • Able to tune, have learned basic techniques, can play a few songs.

  • Comfortable with beginner skills but not quite comfortable with intermediate skills

  • Comfortable with tuning, can play songs and tunes, recognize chord changes, can play with others.

  • Comfortable with intermediate skills but not yet comfortable with advanced or professional skills

  • Have command of basic and advanced techniques, play a variety of tunes up to speed, play regularly with others, may play professionally as a solo act or in bands.

Please read the following carefully and acknowledge your acceptance of its terms and conditions:

Music Camps North, Inc., including Mandolin Camp North, and Banjo Camp North, does not control the Prindle Pond facility, and does not inspect it for safety hazards or direct its maintenance. Nor do the Camps take responsibility for personal property brought to camp. The Camps are for adults and parentally supervised youths. Campers are accordingly expected to see to their own safety and bring any safety concerns to the attention of Prindle Pond. Accordingly, the undersigned Camper, which includes any person who attends a Camp for the weekend, for one day, or for "an evening out", or in any other capacity, agrees to hold Music Camps North, Inc. harmless from and release Music Camps North, Inc. from any liability or responsibility for personal injury or property loss or damage. In case of injury or property loss or damage, Campers agree to look to their own insurance for compensation.

RECORDING RELEASE: The Camper grants release and right to MCN to make and preserve audio and visual recordings of performances, classes, demonstrations, and jams and to use the same for the operation and promotion of MCN camps. MCN will make no other/additional commercial use of such recordings without further written agreement of the Camper.

Music Camps North Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation. Music Camps North Inc. will not tolerate any expressions of any such bias at our camps. Every attendee's thoughts and attitudes are their own business, but any expressions of bias or hatred are our business, and will not be tolerated. If you can't accept the notion of "live and let live", and come with any agenda other than enjoyment of the music, companionship, and learning, please don't come.


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